Echo Truth Course Synopsis

Echo Truth consists out of multiple Levels. Each level contains various subjects to be completed before moving on to the next level. 

Below follows a summary of the various subjects covered within each Echo Truth Level.

Level 1



Bible Doctrines Bibliology

How can we know that the Bible is the Word of God?

Where did the Bible come from and how did it get to us?

In this course, we discuss clear evidence that the Bible is God’s inspired Word. Since God reveals Himself through His Word, we show how life-changing it is when you study the Bible. Students will  comprehend how revelation, inspiration, and illumination play a part in God’s  communication with us.



Bible Doctrines Theology

How can we know that God exists?

What is God’s true character like?

In this course, we reflect on the overwhelming proof of God’s existence. Students will understand more of God’s awesome nature through a study of His names and His works. When we get to know God better, our worship experience becomes much more intimate, meaningful, and rewarding.



Bible Doctrines Christology

Who is Jesus Christ?

What did Jesus do for us?

In this course, we consider the significance of the Bible’s description of Jesus as a perfect God and total man. Students will see that His work of redemption for humankind accomplished through His death on the cross is so complete that it requires neither repetition nor addition.

Level 2



Bible Doctrines Pneumatology

Who is the Holy Spirit?

What is the work of the Holy Spirit?

In this course, we show that the Holy Spirit is a Person and not just an influence, a feeling, a force, a power, or a principle in work on the earth. Students will be encouraged to recognize the Holy Spirit as the indwelling Helper and a Companion with whom they could enjoy intimate fellowship.



The Blood Covenant

Why does the Bible speak of an old and a new covenant?

What is the significance of blood in the making of a covenant?

In this course, we see that covenants have historically been practiced universally. However, the covenant that we today celebrate when we partake of The Lord’s Table is unique. Students will perceive that God is a covenant-making and a covenant-keeping God.



Bible Doctrines Angelology

What is the nature of angels?

What are angels supposed to do on earth?

In this course, we explore what the Bible says about angels and their function. Students will see that angels are powerful celestial messengers ready to fulfill the command of the Lord. However, there are also evil angels. Students learn what our response to angels should be.

Level 3



The Pattern Prayer

What did Jesus teach about prayer?

Should we pray the “Our Father” prayer?

In this course, we study the pattern prayer that Jesus taught His disciples. He did not want this prayer to be recited religiously, but He desired to convey principles that would guide our prayer life. Students are helped to recognize and apply these vital principles.



Divine Destiny

What is God’s ultimate purpose for us here on earth?

Can we know and follow God’s plan for our lives?

In this course, we confirm from Scripture that God has a destiny and a design for His creation in general, but also for each individual. We show how important it is for students to discover God’s purpose, develop into God’s pattern, follow God’s program and fulfil God’s plan.

Level 4



Supremacy of Christ

What is the present-day ministry of Jesus?

Why could nobody else be our high priest?

In this course, we emphasise the pre-eminence of Jesus as shown in the Book of Hebrews. Students are encouraged to evaluate their privileges in Christ, to establish their allegiance to Him and to progress in their life of faith to maturity.



Christian Ordinances

What is the difference between sacrament and ordinance?

Who could be candidates for water baptism?

In this course, we maintain that Jesus established the ordinances of water baptism and communion. Students will recognise the meaning and manner of water baptism, as well as the origin of infant sprinkling. We also evaluate the keynotes in celebrating communion.



New Testament Church

Whose idea was the church and when did it start?

What is the mission of the Church and where do we fit in?

In this course, we challenge wrong concepts that people may have of the Church. We need to realise that the Church is the prized possession of Jesus Christ. Students will gain insight about God’s purpose, plan, provision and power for the Church.

Level 5



Introduction to Bible Interpretation

Which translation or paraphrase of the Bible is the best?

What “tools” could be helpful when interpreting the Bible?

In this course, we examine different types of Bible translations to see which translation would be the most appropriate. Students are guided to overcome linguistic, historical, cultural and geographical barriers by applying correct principles of Bible interpretation.



Submission and Authority

Do we have God-given authority as believers?

If we do, how can we exercise it effectively?

In this course, we propose that authority starts with appreciating and applying the principles of submission. Because pride is the prime sin, we explain how to deal with the perils of pride. Students will grasp the value of obedience to God, His Word and their conscience.

Level 6



The Ministry Offices

Why did God give ministry gifts to the Church?

What are the roles of an apostle, prophet, teacher, etcetera?

In this course, we observe the categories and diversities of gifts that God has given to people. Students will recognise how the combination of theory, spiritual knowledge and gifts, as well as practical experience can facilitate to become effective in ministry.



Call of God

Why did God give ministry gifts to the Church?

What are the roles of an apostle, prophet, teacher, etcetera?

In this course, we observe the categories and diversities of gifts that God has given to people. Students will recognise how the combination of theory, spiritual knowledge and gifts, as well as practical experience can facilitate to become effective in ministry.

Level 7



Competent Communication

What is preaching about?

How does one prepare, develop and deliver a sermon?

In this course, we direct students to become effective, creative, anointed and dynamic communicators of God’s Word. Students are practical guided in sermon preparation and delivery. The course will also benefit anyone who has to speak in public.